September 3, 2019
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Frank Annoh Dompreh is advocating for a review in business agreement between Italian companies and Ghanaian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

According to the Nsawam Adoagryiri lawmaker the agreements in the ration (70/30) percent at the end of the day is not helpful as Italian companies repatriate their money back to their country.

“For Ghanaian companies to benefit, we should have fifty-fifty (50/50) arrangement, and this should be done at the negotiating table. I know Trade and Industry Minister, Mr. Alan Kyeremantey is putting a team together to put forth our argument”.

He made this known in an interview after calling on the Italian Ambassador as part of the committee’s oversight responsibility.

`Mr. Frank Annoh Dompreh pointed out that Ghana and Italy have had a long standing cooperation since the 1920s, and added that CP Construction is one of the Italian companies.

Again, at my last count, seventy Ghanaian SMEs have been supported by the Italian Government in the area of development, he said.

We can also look at technology transfer in the areas of tomato production, as tomato production constitutes a huge percentage of our meals. He noted that the Italians have some advantages in tomato paste product, which can be tapped to promote the Pwalugu Tomato Factory which has not been effective as we all would have wished.

“I came here because of our Parliamentary collaborations, what our committee would be able to learn from our counterpart committee in the Italian Parliament”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/