October 13, 2019

The Executive Secretary of the Lands Commission, Sulemana Mahama has called on the, Licensed Surveyors Association of Ghana (LISAG) to address disproportionate representation on the Lands Commission across the regions.

According to the Executive Secretary almost all the surveyors are based in Accra, Ashanti, Western and Eastern Regions at the neglect of the rural areas where most of the agriculture activities take place.

“You are virtually absent any time we are reconstituting the Lands Commission in the Upper East and West Regions, we find it difficult to reconstitute, as we get your representation from Accra, with your complain being it is less rewarding financially being in the other regions apart from the key ones”.

He made this remarks when he addressed the maiden general meeting and seminar in Accra on the theme, “Land Ownership and Registration: the role of the licensed surveyor”.

Mr. Sulemana Mahama pointed out that the relationship between LISAG and the Lands Commission has huge potentials going into the future, looking at the assistance giving in designing a social policy framework before cabinet.
“We have embarked on a supply city redevelopment programme across the country and we are doing that in consultation with you, trying to see the development of our urban states by 2030, but we should not neglect the rural areas otherwise we would continue to see migration to the neglect of our food production areas and distort the country’s economic development paradigm”.

In addition, leases of government land made before 1969 ended 22nd August, 2019, and were all reverted back to Government. However, identifying them by Lands Commission is a very herculean task, LISAG can provide us with your assistance renewing these with attractive rate with our goodwill towards you, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com