July 16, 2024

Frank Annoh Dompreh, the Majority chief whip has clarified that contrary to accusations from their colleagues in the Minority of the Majority abandoning their parliamentary duty, the Majority is always present for business.

He said he doesn’t understand why the Minority keeps raising issues of quorum and complaining that MPs on the Majority side of the House have deserted business on the floor for the Minority to do.

According to him there have been several occasions where MPs on the Majority side of the House showed up on the floor, but the Minority were not there to do business because they have served notice that anytime the Minority Leader is in court they would not come to the floor unless he is back from court.

He further noted that Ministers do come to the floor of the House to do business but most at times the Minority MPs do not show up when they even have questions on the order paper to ask.

“We should be fair to both sides of the House; MP for Bole and Banda should sometimes look at your side of the House and not only turn your attention to the Majority side of the House”, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanmps.com