Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye on his part argued that he is not talking law but convention and practice, and no matter the political party in power equal time should be given all, he recognizes “shadow Minister”.
“If a member refers to a shadow Minister to me is acceptable in Parliamentary practice”.
This argument came about on the floor of the House, when business statement for this week was presented and the second deputy Minority whip Ahmed Banda, argued that time allotted Ministers should be the same time allotted to the Ranking members of various committees who would be debating the State of the Nation Address presented by the President.
“Ranking members are, shadow Ministers, they should be allotted same time that would be given to Ministers to speak on the SONA debate”.
Leader of Government Business argued that it is in the Western Minister system of government that “shadow Ministers” are recognized and not the Presidential system. Most of the people who were spokes persons on various sectors almost invariably assumed that office when their party came to office.
Leader of Government Business, retorted to the Speaker that he is not arguing as he said he is doing, but when he entered Parliament years back, then Speaker in allocation of time called one person from the Minority and called two from the Majority side.
“The New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the other parties number just amounted to a third the Speaker insisted, he would call one person from the Minority and two from the Majority”.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com