October 17, 2017

Ranking Member of the Government Assurance Committee, Emmanuel Kwasi Bedzrah has said, the Majority side of the House are rushing Bills to the House without thinking through it, hence the delay and withdrawal of the Bills.

He noted that the new Bill, like the Northern Development Authority Bill which is replacing the Savana Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) has nothing new in it, it is the old “same thing they are rushing it but are not getting it right”.

According to the Ho West legislator the practice where new governments come in with new things and refuse to build on what has been started is not helpful to the country, “we make two steps forward and a step back, this will not make us develop as a nation”.

“Office of Special Prosecutor was withdrawn when it was introduced, the Zongo Development Bill has been withdrawn twice, and the majority is in a hurry rushing Bills and keep making mistakes as a country”, he said.

“They rushed and recall MPs back to the House from recess, knowing very well Bills are not ready for us to work on”.

Mr. Bedzrah further stated that, what is happing in Parliament is a reflection of how the country is being governed, we voted for change, and we are seeing change “substandard governance” he remarked.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com