October 17, 2013

Yaw Frimpong Addo, Member of Parliament (MP) for the Manso-Adubia Constituency, one of the newly-created constituencies in the region, is lamenting over the deplorable nature of roads in the constituency.

He has bemoaned the bad road network which has affected linkages of the over 40 farming communities there to other parts of the region. The most affected stretch of the road is the Mim junction-Agroyesum road.

With the assistance of assembly members of the affected areas, the MP mobilised the youth to rehabilitate the roads in their own small way through communal labour to give some relief to the constituents.

Hon. Frimpong Addo noted that as a result of the bad nature of the road, drivers who ply the route take undue advantage of traders and farmers, and charge exorbitant fares in the name of high cost of spare parts before their wares are carted to the urban centres, making life unbearable for the people in the area.

He accused the District Assembly of not addressing this concern to ameliorate the plight of the residents.

The MP hoped his intervention would rekindle the communal spirit in the people to contribute their quota for development without relying on the government for all basic needs.

He lamented on the condition of the roads during the rains, for which reason drivers feel reluctant plying the route, resulting in farm produce being locked up in the hinterlands.

The MP indicated that the Mim junction-Agroyesum road was awarded to a contractor by the Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) as a cocoa road, but the contractor stopped work for lack of funds.

He said following the inability of COCOBOD rehabilitate the road network, the majority of the roads in area remain unfriendly to motorbikes, let alone vehicles.

The MP pleaded with the Minister for Roads and Highways to reconsider the ban on the award of contracts for new roads until the old ones are completed.

He suggested that the rehabilitation of major roads, especially those in the farming communities, which most farmers rely on in conveying their farm products to the market centers, are prioritised to enable them make ends meet and take care of their families.

Frimpong Addo noted that such a move would serve as an incentive and encourage farmers to give off their best and increase productivity.