Rt. Hon Alban Bagbin
January 27, 2022

As part of controlling the spread of COVID-19 virus and ensure that workings in Parliament goes on without interference looking at the tall order of business in Ghana’s parliament, Rt. Hon Alban Bagbin has given indications that without the current ongoing booster jab certificate, MPs, staff, and auxiliaries would not be able to enter the precinct of the House.

According to him Members of Parliament (MPs), staff and auxiliary staff would be required to show certificate of taking the booster jab. The exercise which started last week Saturday, January 22, 2022 would end on Thursday, January 27, 2022 and the above persons with their household should take advantage of the exercise.

“Anyone who fails to take the jab would be denied access to parliament, those who say it is illegal can go to the Supreme Court, as far as I am concerned you are aware some members were affected with the virus last year. I should give names your leaders know, I am just being frank we got calls and followed up we know the numbers infected”.

Booster vaccination is compulsory the Speaker said, but did not go down well with some MPs who were expressing their displeasure on the floor for everyone working within the precinct of Parliament.

He further added that there is a good reason for adding the dependents of those who have business to offer in the House otherwise the exercise would be a waste,  and it is for their own safety and protection and wellbeing if you do not take advantage of it countries are now insisting on booster jabs.

He also reminded the MPs that without the booster jab, countries are refusing people entry, as well as visa, adding that without the jab, the MPs would not have the opportunity of representing the country outside.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com