Ophelia Mensah Hayford MP for the Mfanteman constituency has begun dredging the major storm drain in Mankessim.
The drain which begins at the star oil filling station on the mankessim – Kumasi highway and passes behind the Asabee market to join the Mankessim Cape coast highway is heavily choked due to a cocktail of activities such as dumping of both biodegradable and non-biodegradable refuse into the drain whilst some use it as a place of convenience and this has resulted in the growing of shrubs and various plants that block the free flow of water.
It is the hope of MP that people who live closer to the drain will help prevent the dumping of refuse as well as using it as a place of convenience especially after the desilting/dredging activities to allow for the free flow of water and prevent any flooding at the onset of the rain. Work is expected to be completed within 7 days.
She has done her part and residents and other stakeholders must also do their part. Together we develop Mankessim.