September 7, 2015


Mr. Charles Obeng-Inkoom, incumbent Member of Parliament for Agona West Constituency on Wednesday picked a nomination form to contest the Agona West branch of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) parliamentary primaries.

Mr. Obeng-Inkoom, who is a lawyer by profession, is the only candidate so far to pick a form when the party opened nomination for interested persons to contest the primaries of the parliamentary seats.

Mr. Emmanuel Korley, Agona West Constituency  NDC  Secretary said, the party has one hundred and thirty three branches and the MP should ensure that the form is endorsed by one member each from the said branches, who are active and well known members of the party.

Lawyer Inkoom, addressing the gathering at the branch party office in Agona Swedru after picking the forms, said the 2012 elections was not easy for him but with God on their side, he was elected as the MP for the area.

“I will continue to abide by the rules and regulations of the party and work in collaboration of all and sundry especially the constituency executives in order to retain the MP seat in the 2016 elections.”

Mr. Kwesi Dawood, Central Regional NDC Communication Director, who was at the branch constituency office when Lawyer Obeng-Inkoom picked his forms, said they are committed to rally behind him to win the MP seat to continue with the good works he is doing to help improve the livelihood of the constituents, irrespective of one’s political affiliation.