August 1, 2016

The Minority intends to resist the approval of Deputy Minister designate for Local Government and Rural Development, John Oti Bless.

He has been accused of making denigrating comments against the Chief Justice on a radio show. The Nkwanta North Member of Parliament (MP) is alleged to have described the Chief Justice as an agent of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and unfit for the job.

The Minority has planned to present the evidence before Parliament for the House for act upon it.

Mr Oti Bless surmounted the first hurdle to occupying his new position when he was vetted last week despite his performance amidst concerns over his missing educational certificates and not performing his National Service obligation.

But with the Minority vowing to block him, he’ll have to prepare himself for the gruelling battle ahead over his alleged comments imputing ill motives to the Chief Justice and other Justices of the Supreme Court.

The minority is of the view that the language should be condemned by the House especially when the MP failed to provide evidence to back his claims.

The minority leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu and MP for Bekwai, Joe Osei Wusu led the charge.

Mr Mensah Bonsu described words used as unprintable and the language used as “verminous, hate impregnated and disparaging” to be used on the Justices of the apex court.

“It is certainly not the best for an MP taking the justices of the Supreme Court to the cleaners without any iota of evidence,” he said.

However Deputy Education Minister, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa says Mr Bless demonstrated competence for the job and must be given the nod.

According to Deputy Majority leader of Parliament, Alfred Agbesi, the leadership of the House will be having a meeting, which will focus on the contemptuous statements attributed.

The Vice Chair of the Appointment Committee noted the accusations did not come up at the appointment committee level and that didn’t form part of the Committee report but following a petition before Parliament on the said statement, the leadership he said will meet and take a decision on it.

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