
June 22, 2012
Parliament on Friday finally approved the nomination of two Deputy Minister designates after the House deferred their approval on Thursday.
The house failed to approve them after the appointment committee had recommended the two for approval.
Several MPS on Thursday expressed an objection to the approval Mr. Kwadwo Owusu Agyemeng who is the Deputy Minister designate for Lands and Natural Resources after he indicated in his CV that he had done a Master of Science Course and was awarded a degree when he actually had not, While a few mps also raised issues on the authenticity of a supposed contract letter mandating the other nominee Anthony Gyambiby deputy designate for attorney general and minister of justice to still work with the A-G’s department after attaining his retirement age.
When the deputy speaker of parliament, Hon. Doe-Adjaho who decided to push the motion for their approval on Thursday to a vote, a voice vote was unclear as to which side won making him to defer it to be determine by secret balloting.
But when the house convene on Friday Hon Adjaho decided that some MPS including those who opposed the approval of the nominees came to see him earlier and ask him to push the motion again to a voice vote and when it was done majority approved the nomination
Kwadwo Anim/