Parliament has repudiated allegation in the public domain that Members of Parliament have received mobile phones from ZTE Corporation of China as bribe.
The law making body expressed its indignation House at the rumours circulating that MPs were induced with the ZTE phones during the approval of a supply contract for the delivery of dedicated security information system between the Government of Ghana and ZTE Corporation of China.
The issue came up for discussion on the Floor of the House on Tuesday when the MP for Kwesimintsim, Joe Baidoe-Ansah who felt very strongly about how the reputation of the honourable members was being attacked in relation to the alleged phone bribe.
He noted that the supposed phone issue was cited during the anti-corruption day celebration by some social commentators referring to the MPs as corrupt.
The Minority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu stated that the Phones were supposed to boost the work of the MPs whiles the Majority Leader, Dr. Benjamin Kunbour said that the phones were not the bonafide properties of the MPs, adding that the phones seizes to belong to the MPs once they lose their seats.
The Speaker Rt. Hon. Edward Doe Adjaho observed that the rumour is part of the occupational hazards that comes with working in such public offices, adding that he received his phone about 5 years ago while some Parliamentary Service workers have been using that type of phone for the past 7 years which obviously cannot be said to be bribes to MPs.