November 30, 2017

Minority leader and Member of Parliament (MP) for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu is advocating for legislature to have more public engagement to enable Ghanaians have more access to Parliamentary proceedings.

He noted that, when constituent say, “Hon it has been a while we do not see you” it should not be misconstrue but rather seen as a gesture of demanding accountability from MPs as Ghanaians are aware legislators need to account to them.

And recalled the era of late Speaker, Justice D. F Annan, where at the National Theater there was a Parliamentary forum which Ghanaians engaged Parliamentarians.

According to the Minority leader Ghanaians should be encouraged to read the Parliamentary Hansard, which will bring them up to speed with everyday happenings on the floor of the House.

Mr. Iddrisu however lamented over, Ghana’s Parliamentary website not being reliable as it has pictures of leadership of the House, but not detail information on Bills before committees, motions that have been moved and questions that have been filed.

And noted that to allow public access to workings of Parliament all these information should be updated and in addition demanded for freedom of expression and information.

He further charged the leader of Government Business to ensure that, Government will be in a hurry to bring the freedom of information Bill to the House, to deepen accountability.

He questioned where should a whistle blower who want to help fight corruption send his or her report, “Parliament is an appropriate forum” he said.

The physical infrastructure of Parliament should be friendly enough for physically challenged persons to access the House and understand the workings of the House he pointed out
By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/