Parliament Friday passed into law the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA).
The project, a major campaign pledge by the ruling National Democratic Congress government has 20 years within which to reduce the levels of poverty in the three Northern Regions of Ghana as well as the Northern parts of Brong Ahafo Region.
The policy advisor, Dr Sulley Gariba hopes the government will make good its political commitment in terms of financing for the project.
The Authority, he said is in talks with Government for the provision of funds to implement projects.
Dr Gariba told Joy News the key performance target for SADA will be to reduce the over sixty percent of poverty in the Northern Regions to twenty per cent.
“One of the performance targets for SADA is its ability to mobilize substantial funding to accelerate the pace of infrastructural development,” he added.
With the Northern regions being the worse affected as far as rural-urban migration is concerned, Dr. Gariba said SADA will put measures in place to curtail the phenomenon of Kayayei in the South.
Story by Nathan Gadugah/Myjoyonline.com/Ghana