January 21, 2013

Parliament’s Appointments Committee will vet six persons who have been nominated by President John Dramani Mahama for Ministerial appointments on January 24 and 25.

A public announcement on Saturday by the Deputy Clerk to Parliament, Alhaji Ibrahim Gombilla, named the nominees as Mr Seth Terkper; Finance and Economic Planning, Ms Hanna Tetteh; Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration; Alhaji Collins Dauda; Water Resources, Works and Housing and Clement Kofi Humado; Agriculture.

The rest are Alhaji A.B. Inusah Fuseini; Lands and Natural Resources and Alhaji Amin Amidu Sulemani; Roads and Highways.

According to the announcement, the vetting will commence at 1000 hours on both days at the Speaker’s Conference Room.

It invited written memoranda on the nominees from the general public to reach the Clerk to Parliament not later than 1000 hours on January 23.

Meanwhile, all members of the Appointments Committee are to attend a meeting at the Speaker’s Conference Room at 1100 hours on January 23.