October 7, 2019

The Parliamentary Christian Fellowship of Ghana, (PCF) has called for the withdrawal of the controversial Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) to be introduced in Ghana by the Ministry of Education.

In a statement signed by the President of the (PCF), Emmanuel Kwesi Bedzrah, pointed out that they find it most disappointing and unacceptable attempts by officialdom from the sector Ministry at rationalizing, explaining and denying the justification of appearance of CSE in official documents.

“The subtlety with which CSE is being railroaded into our school curriculum in itself raises a number of questions that are begging for coherent answers”.

Lawmakers and staff of the legislative arm of government are resolved in engaging our colleagues to explore all available means to making sure that the CSE policy is withdrawn and completely abandoned.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com