May 30, 2020

As the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) marks its forty-fifth year celebration, Speaker of the fifth Legislature, H. E. Sidie Mohammed Tunis has said the legislature shall play its role towards post COVID-19 recovery.

Accord to him the Legislature would have a response strategies by collaborating with an enacting policies to support sister institutions in the execution of COVID-19 related programmes for the benefit of citizens in the sub-region.

In a statement, the Speaker noted that he is aware the Commissions and the West African Health Organisation (WAHO) have initiated various response to curb the spread of the pandemic in member states.

“Given the resilient nature of our people, there is no doubt that we will bounce back and make a full recovery in the no distance future, and for that to happen we urge governments of the sub-regional states to be mindful of the need to commit to protecting livelihoods and investments, and in the key sectors of our economies by identifying ingenious ways of injecting liquidity as a lifeblood to stimulate our economies”.

Hence the need to redesign the Community budget and programs to reflect changes envisaged by the effects of the pandemic on the economies of Member states.

“Our West African dreams, as handed down to us by the founding fathers of ECOWAS, forty-five years ago, armed with the tool of hope and faith in God, West Africans shall prevail against any obstacle, in brotherhood and oneness”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/