March 21, 2019

A former Deputy Minister for Power during the erstwhile President John Dramani Mahama regime, John Jinapor has stated that Ghana’s power sector is financially bankrupt with an overhang debt accrual of GHS13 billion.

The Member of Parliament for Yapei-Kusawgu, blamed the indebtedness as the cause of the recent extensive power cuts across the country especially, the capital Accra.

Mr Jinapor said the debts are mainly owed GRIDCo and Volta River Authority for the supply of power.

The MP’s claim follows an explanation offered by Energy Minister, John Peter Amewu on the floor of Parliament that the power cuts were due the ongoing constructions of the road interchange at Pokuase, which has necessitated the diversion of GRIDCo’s 330kV transmission line towers that runs from Tema to Aboadze in that vicinity.

Christian Kpesese/