October 7, 2019

The Minority in Parliament have challenged President Nana Akufo-Addo to declare his stands on, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT), issues that some developed countries want to force on Ghana.

According to the Minority in a press conference addressed on Friday October 4, 2019,  by Haruna Iddrisu noted that,  all former Presidents of Ghana, Jerry John Rawlings, John Kuffor, late John Mills and John Dramani Mahama have made their stands known.

“They have given their clear stands against this satanic foreign inspired and sponsored agenda, we know where the Speaker Professor Oquaye stand on this issue Mr. President please where do you stand?”

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu noted that the move to introduce a Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), at the basic level in Ghana is being desperately championed by the LGBT community.

“It is most shocking that a President who carries himself outwardly as a pious builder of the Lord’s Cathedral for which he is pulling down many pre-existing structures including bungalows for judges and passport office will expose his duplicitous character by embarking on such a terrible assault on the morals of our children”, he lamented.

He further explained that if the CSE is allowed to stand, the President can expect the current generation of children to grow and blasphemously turn his cathedral into a stinking brothel of sodomy.

The despicable conduct of the Akufo-Addo administration in signing Ghana up as the lead nation in a group of six African countries which includes Eswatinin former Swaziland, Malawi, Tanzania and Zimbabwe which are being descript by UNESCO as program acceleration countries is the most, “betrayal of the Ghanaian people in recent history”.

“We are deeply concern that at a time many countries are prioritizing the teaching of maths, science, coding, artificial intelligence and climate change, our government’s focus in on Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the service of an evil LGBT agenda”.

The Minority has taken judicial notice of the pathetic attempt by the Minister of Education Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh 1st of October 2019 at a press conference, to deny government’s complicity and active implementation of the CSE agenda.

This initiative is being funded by the Swedish government and so far twenty-two million dollars ($22m) has so far been committed, with government giving assurance to her international partners that they would do everything politically possible to, “overcome social resistance and operational constraints”.

“All funds collected in addition to manuals, guidelines, teachers’ resources packs and curriculum should be returned to the external promoters”.

The Minority urged Ghanaians to remain vigilant, resolute and be determined to collectively resist any sinister and evil force on the prowl in Ghana as the battle has not yet been won.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com