November 5, 2012

The Member of Parliament for Ayesuano Samuel Aye –Paye has described the decision by President John Mahama to reject the newly approved salaries for the executive arm of government as shocking and populist act.

According to him, President Mahama has resorted to that move to portray himself as someone who is not out there to earn fat salary at the expense of the ordinary tax payer; an action he asserts is intended to endear the president to the masses and win him more votes.

Parliament last week approved a monthly salary of 12,000 cedis for the President; ten thousand five hundred cedis for his vice and between 8,000 and 9,000 cedis for ministers and their deputies.

However the news of the increment was swiftly met with a lot of criticism among a cross section of the public and civil society groups.

In a statement released over the weekend President Mahama directed parliament to consider a review of the emoluments to ensure it was aligned more realistically with the original recommendations of the Professor Ewurama Addy Committee.

Speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo programme on Monday, Hon. Aye-Paye stated that President Mahama’s move raises eye brows as the President according to him cannot feign he did not know that such amount was to be approved for him as his signature was beneath the document that was presented to Parliament.

“The President cannot claim or pretend he did not know of this figure which was stated in the recommendation, the document came right from his office and he dare not say that the Chief of Staff signed his (President’s) signature on that document’’ he said.

“This attitude of the President makes some of us believe that he is indecisive in taking critical decision that can move this nation forward as he himself claims in his own book’’ he added.

Hon. Aye – Paye however urged Parliament as an institution should come through the Public Affairs Directorate to educate the public on the issues surrounding the emoluments of MPs to avoid a situation where the media continue to churn out biased stories that incite the public against Members of Parliament.

Kwadwo Anim/