January 30, 2018

Member of Parliament for Kumbungu, Ras Mubarak is advocating for the voting record of MPs to be made public as it is one of the better ways constituents would assess their MPs and what they do in the legislature.

He further noted that the voice vote was okay, but does not give Ghanaians the better picture of work done by MPs.

According to the Kumbungu legislator, Ghanaians would be able to go to the website of Parliament and assess the way MPs vote on matters that come before the House.

“We all get painted with the same brush, when laws are made and in the view of the public those laws are not good and cannot stand the test of time, people say “why would Parliament pass such a law”. For all you know some MPs might have opposed some laws being passed, but once it is passed it represents Parliament, he said.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ras Mubarak revealed his intention to go to the Supreme Court and seek interpretation was to when the Speaker takes an oath once it does not cover for the whole of the four year term.

He noted that it costs the nation, when MPs had to be recalled on weekends and on recess, “do we have to convene each time the Vice President is not around and the President is traveled?

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com.