January 28, 2011

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Gomoa East, Mr Kow Panyin Okyere has called on Ghanaians to rally behind the government to execute its better Ghana agenda to improve their living standard.

Mr Panyin Okyere made the call at a durbar to climax the annual Akwambo Festival of the Chiefs and people of Gomoa-Oguaakrom in the Central Region.

The Festival, which was under the theme “Together we can build”, was also marked with activities including clean-up exercises and Youth socialization.

The MP said plans were far advanced to extend electricity to every part of the area under the government’s Rural Electrification Project, and urged those at new sites to wire their buildings in readiness for the programme.

The Okyere later donated 50 bags of cement to the people towards the construction of a public toilet and promised to construct a permanent podium for the chiefs as their meeting place.

In his welcoming address Nana Obende Abor, Mankrado of the area who deputized for the Odikro, advised the youth to be mindful of the deadly disease AIDS.

He appealed to them to refrain from indiscriminate sex so as to avoid contracting the disease.

Mr Isaac Kinsley Ahun-Armah, District Chief Executive for Gomoa East who was a special guest of honour at the function, appealed to the people to invest in their children’s education to enable them to become useful citizens in future.

The former MP for the area, Mr Sam Quarm, donated an amount of 500.00 Ghana Cedis to the Traditional Council as his contribution towards the festival.

Source: GNA