October 25, 2022

The Majority caucus in parliament has called on President Nanan Akufo-Addo to as a matter of urgency sack the Minister of Finance and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry or they be forced to resign.

At a press conference on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, addressed by Kwame Andy Appiah- Kubi, Member of Parliament for Asante Akim North who served as a spokesperson for the Majority group noted that they have had the occasion to defend the allegation of conflict of interest and lack confidence against leadership of the finance Ministry.

According to him the recent development within the Ghanaian economy are of greater concern to the greater majority of their caucus and constituents and their concerns have been made known through their leadership to the president and the leadership of the party without any positive response.

And to restore the downward trend of the economy, the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry, Charles Adu Boahen should be changed.

The majority caucus, has however, threatened to abstain from any government business including budget presentation before the House if the president fails to heed their call.

“Meanwhile, we want to serve notice that until the persons mentioned are removed, we, members of the Majority caucus in Parliament would not participate in any business of government by or for the president by any other Minister”.

They hope those of them are the backbench would heed to this call and they would not be present for the budget hearing if their call is not heeded, neither would they participate in the debate.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com