The honorable Member of Parliament for Damongo in the Northern region, Adam Mutawakilu has lauded the establishment of the Savanna Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) describing it as a good initiative to help bridge the developmental gap between the south and the Northern sector of the country.
According to him despite the many challenges that has bedeviled the initiative in the past, it has generally been a good intervention by the previous NDC Government.
As MP for Damongo which is located within the SADA zone, he said he can personally attest to the fact that 85% of trees grown in the area survived.
The outspoken lawmaker who is the Ranking Member on the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament urged the NPP government to sustain and endeavor to improve upon the gains chalked by SADA to improve the lots of people living within the catchment areas of the initiative.
His comments follows accusations by some beneficiaries of SADA`s tricycle project against officials of the Authority of breaching the terms of payment agreement for tricycle purchased.
The operators of the tricycle and SADA signed a two-year agreement on the payment modalities and one year maintenance of the motor kings which were sold to them on high purchase.
SADA, under the agreement was supposed to service the tricycles for a year with subsidised spare parts but has not been doing that.
Mr Adam Mutawakilu urged both parties to settle the matter amicably.
By Christian Kpesese/ghanamps.com