June 9, 2013

Member of Parliament for Nsawam/ Adoagyiri, Frank Annoh- Dompreh says the findings to be realised by American investigators in the recent Agbogbloshie market fire may come to not, as President John Mahama has his sense of judgment on the incident already clouded.

According to him the President’s consistent pronouncement that arsonist and saboteaurs who want to create a bad name for his government are responsible for the market fires is very unfortunate coming from someone who should know better.

President Mahama during his visit to the Agbogbloshie on Thursday announced that the government was seeking support from the USA to unravel the causes of recent market fires.

He further stated that he was inclined to believe that there are persons out there to make his administration unpopular, adding that the law will deal ruthlessly with the culprits when found out.

However speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Annoh – Dompreh noted that securing support from USA in this regard amounts to re-inventing the wheel as laid down procedures to safeguard market are simply not being followed.

He said the president has got it all wrong and accused him of playing to the gallery just to paint a picture that he was working effectively when infact he was not.