August 29, 2017

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Salaga South Constituency in the Northern region, Mr Salifu Adam Braimah has provided 10 boreholes to 10 communities in his constituency.

These are known to experience acute water shortages that compel residents to resort to drawing water from sources which quality they cannot vouch for.

The success of these boreholes which of course are in different stages of completion according the MP was made possible in collaboration with Lifetime Wells for Ghana, a non-governmental organization (NGO) that is in the business of providing potable water to deprived communities.

Beneficiary communities include; Matalpo, Kunshi, Mankango quarters, Kandlande, Nyikata, Garinshanu, Kamabuye and Kakoshi, among others.

Mr. Braimah stated that the level below at which the ground is saturated with water was poor, but he is making everything possible to improve water supply in the area.

The MP emphasized that he is interacting with both the Ghana Water Company and Community Water and Sanitation to find lasting ways to further boost the water supply system for the various communities.

He added that, water was an imperative part of development hence the need to provide good drinking water for his people since water is life.

Alice Abubakari /