January 29, 2014

Over thirty communities have benefitted from a benevolent gesture by the Member of Parliament for Atebubu-Amantin Constituency, Hon. Sanja Nanja when he provided an alternative source of light for residents who were not connected to the national power grid.

Although the gesture was to provide alternative source of light for deprived communities, Hon. Nanja particularly targeted school children within his constituency.

Hon. Sanja Nanja who made the distribution in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy was part of government’s initiatives to encourage the use of solar energy as well as give deprived areas the opportunity to also enjoy light.

According to the MP, more than thirty (30) communities within the Atebubu-Amantin Constituency and surroundings have so far benefitted from the programme adding that recipients of the lanterns were really elated when they received the facilities.

He said most of the areas that benefitted were those that were not connected to the national power grid adding that some schools within his constituency also benefitted from the gesture, a means of empowering them to study at nights.

The Atebubu-Amantin MP said he has so far distributed 300 out of the 400 solar lanterns whilst the rest will be disbursed soon.

In a related development, Hon. Nanja indicated that some schools within his constituency that have light have received desktop computers to help them have a feel of computers whilest learning ICT as a course.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/GhanaMps.gov.gh