Tenants and Landlords have been asked to seek expert advice at the Rent Control Department (RCD) when drafting tenancy agreements.
Mr Alban S. K. Bagbin, Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing, who made the call said this would help reduce the number of complainants lodged at the department and ensure harmony among tenants and landlords in the country.
He noted that most tenants and landlords did not seek expert advice before appending their signatures creating many problems for both parties.
Last year, the department recorded 37,265 complaints nationwide but managed to settle only 6,884.
This year, it had so far recorded 3,954 cases and yet to compile cases settled.
Mr Bagbin had toured the department to have first hand information on the challenges confronting the personnel.
He noted that over 60 per cent of tenants occupied single and chamber and hall rooms in Ghana, hence the need to review the tenancy agreements on such rooms.
Mr Bagbin admonished landlords and tenants to compromise when disputes arose between them to speed up resolution of cases and reduce the work load on the department.
He condemned quarrels and conflicts which were impeding settlements of cases.
Mr Bagbin said the department’s role was vital in the housing sector as it protects the rights of individuals in the society.
“Apart from air, water and food, shelter constituted one of the important components needed by all, if you have good shelter, you can have good health.”
The clients who interacted with the Sector Minister appealed to the Ministry to decentralise activities of the department to reduce its work load.
Source: GNA