February 18, 2014

The Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Edward Doe Adjaho on Tuesday February 18th banned the use of the twi word “tweaa” from being used on the floor of Parliament describing it as unparliamentary.

The word which is uttered to show disdain has become the most popular phrase in the past three months after the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Ahafo Ano South, Mr Gabriel Barima was captured in a video during a gathering of hospital employees in the District was trading words with an unidentified person after the person chuckled (tweaa) when he (Barima) was giving a speech.

Government took very a serious view of the DCE’s conduct and conducted investigations into the case and further reprimanded him for that act.

Ever since the House reconvened in late January, MPs on both sides have uttered the word at each other right after contributions are made by their colleagues creating a lot of disorder in the House.

Feeling very uncomfortable with this development, MP for Subin and former High Commissioner to the UK, Hon. Isaac Osei called on the Speaker’s direction on the use of the word “tweaa” on the floor.

The Speaker was of the view that the way the word is used in Parliament did not augur well for the smooth deliberations in the House, leading him to proscribe the word.

It was anticipated that MPs especially on the Minority side would have heckled President Mahama with this same word when he appears in Parliament to deliver the statement on the state of the nation.
