March 16, 2022

The Public Affairs Department of parliament has denied reports that the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, has sidelined the unit and similar departments while he focuses on the staff affiliated to his office for official assignments.

In a statement denying the report signed by Kate Addo, Director, Public Affairs, emphasised that her department continues to remain committed to the communications management of the office of the Speaker and the performance of any allied duties as may be assigned by the Speaker.

The statement admitted that although it is true the Speaker has a communication team, that team has an entirely different mandate from that of the Public Affairs Department.

It added that the Speaker continues to engage with the Director on relevant issues and is keen on growing the department and other departments of the legislature.

As an apolitical outfit, the public affairs department noted that it is committed to working to enhance the overall development of the entire legislature without recourse to any political party or ideology.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/