Former Speaker of the Liberian House of Representatives, Rt. Hon Edwin Snowe Jr. said in terms of the democratic journey in the West African sub-region, member states are not yet there but are on course to achieving their goals.
“We are not there yet; like I say to most of you who interview me, I see as a glass half full not half empty. Will we get there? Yes, I believe we will get there”.
The chairman of the Community Parliament’s Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) in an interview said, Ghana is a key actor in our political dispensation in the region.
That is why we are always concerned when anything seems to be unstable or get sensitive in Ghana. “We get concerned, Ghana has been a symbol of our democracy in the sub-region; Ghana has done well and set high standards in the Region and we look up to Ghana to do it right”.
This, he said in reference to the upcoming general elections on December 7, 2024, when the country will elect the next president and legislatures for the next four years.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com