Minister of Defence Aduna Dominic Nitiwul has revealed that ten thousand service personnel will undertake military service as the National Service scheme had written to the military to reactivate the clause that allows National service personnel undertake military service in an interview.
He further noted that due to the logistical constrain a lot of resources have been put in place to ensure that the navy military and air force training facilities are uplifted to undertake this exercise, either this year or next year.
According to the Defence Minister this move will instill a bit of patriotism and nationalism in our people.
“Rwanda has moved from a war torn country to one of the cleanest city because you will not dream of putting rubbish on the street neither will you want to spit on the street. Not because you cannot do that but they have decided to have self-constrain and discipline”.
Mr. Dominic Nitiwul reiterated that, “until we begin to learn and be proud of our Country, nobody will build this Nation for us the exercise is to ensure that we have this military values”.
When I was a young, whenever you are passing and you hear the “National anthem being played, you stand straight”.
In the military when a “big man” is passing the one with a lower rank will stand straight and salute him or her, he said.
He lamented over the practice these days where the younger people will not greet the elderly, he or she will not give out his or her sit to the elderly, “we have to start instilling respect in our society especially the younger generation”
Citing example of the need to be disciplined in all spheres of our, the Bimbilla legislator stated that though the Defence Ministry had to appear before the Public Account Committee at 11:00am, they got there at 10:45. According to him, the concept of “African time” as we usually say must be avoided and we learn to respect time.
“People say military training is about “beating you up” that is not the case rather is instilling in you the values of discipline, physical fitness, with this military service when done for only two months you will be a very fit person.
In addition, health wise, it is going to reduce our health bills, you will check what you eat, learn how to survive when you get yourself in a place you are not familiar with, he said.
By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com