December 4, 2018


Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Dapaah has told Parliament connection of pipe-bone water to Gordorkope, Atsieve and Dorkploame and its environs is under consideration.

According to the Minister, the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) extension distribution would undertake these works.

“Mr. Speaker, the GWCL has signed a contract with Messrs. Lexico Ltd to rehabilitate and expand the Agordome-Sogakope Water Treatment Plant. As part of the rehabilitation exercise, distribution pipelines would be extended to these communities”.She further told the House the terms and conditions of the financing of the project is currently being evaluated by the debt management office of the Ministry of Finance.

This was when the MP for South Tongue, Kobena Mensah Woyome wanted to know when the above communities would be connected to pipe-borne water.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/