July 10, 2020

Ranking Member on Roads and Transport, Governs Kwame Agbodza has called on the government to consider reducing taxes on petroleum products following recent hikes in transport fares.

According to him members of the general public who use public transport are suffering and he puts himself in the shoes of commercial transport drivers who are suppose to break even because they run a business.

“If they don’t increase fares they can’t buy fuel and spare parts, government should be sensitive to Ghanaians. What happened to the sixteen billion cedis approved by Parliament? This can be used to cushion commercial drivers and Ghanaians. I do not know the level of insensitivity of this insensitive government and what they are perpetuating”.

Mr. Agbodza in an interview asked if the Vice President Dr. Bawumia is still part of the government economic management team that is bringing this hardship to Ghanaians as he is not heard on economic issues. He only comes out to do politics. “I wonder what they discuss at their economic management meetings”.

“We should not be seeing transport fares going up, rather they should be coming down because a lot of people have lost their jobs and are not working, and you are now telling me to pay more”.

He further pointed out that the free water enjoyment announced by the current government people in his constituency, Adaklu did not enjoy it, what they partly enjoy was the electricity. “What about the frontline health workers? Zero. What has government done with the sixteen million?”

“They are sharing money to party executives in my constituency. They ask them to fill a form and they are sent a mobile money of two hundred Ghana cedis to their phones. We need to ensure that the life span of this government does not go beyond January 7, 2021 for a better government which care for the people under John Dramani Mahama to take over this country”.

He added that the cedi is not doing well on the international market against all major currencies. A dollar to six Ghana cedis; spare parts would go up, and commercial drivers are suffering. Triple jeopardy and when they asked for fifty percent price up, they have been given fifteen.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com