February 29, 2016

Turkish President, HE Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, arrives in Accra today [Monday], for a two-day official visit.

Accompanied by his wife and over 150 business and government officials, President Erdoğan will hold talks with President John Dramani Mahama at the Flagstaff House.

The two leaders will hold a joint press conference, and also address a Business Forum.

President Erdoğan will also join President Mahama to cut sod for the official commencement of work on a new terminal building at the Kotoka International Airport.

President Mahama and his wife, Lordina, will host an Official State Luncheon in honour of President Erdoğan and his wife at the State Banquet Hall.

The Turkish leader will also hold discussions with the Speaker of Parliament and address the House, before visiting the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park with his wife.

His visit follows a 2013 visit to Ankara and Istanbul by President John Dramani Mahama and an earlier 2011 visit by former Turkish President, HE Abdullah Gül.

The Turkish First lady, HE Emine Erdoğan will also hold discussions with HE Nana Dr. Lordina Dramani Mahama and also visit the Osu Children’s Home. – Flagstaff House
