Out-going Upper East Regional Minister, Mr Mark Owen Woyongo was at the weekend congratulated by key development stakeholders for the tremendous developmental inroads he spearheaded during his tenure as Regional Minister.
Mr Woyongo, who is currently the Member of Parliament for Navrongo Central, is now Minister Designate for Defence.
Mr Paul Kant, Regional Coordinating Director described Mr Woyongo as a committed and extraordinary development-oriented personality and nationalist who within a relatively short period of four years made remarkable inroads in all sphere of human influence in the region.
He expressed satisfaction at the out-going Minister’s humility in the discharge of his official duties, saying “any talented player of any game who wants to develop and rise to the top must work himself assiduously into the mainstream and not play the game at the peripheral level”.
He congratulated him on his new designation and expressed optimism that with his rich experiences in the area of security he would excel.
Mr Musah Abdulai, Municipal Chief Executive for Bawku in an interview with the Ghana News Agency said Mr Woyongo treated the Bawku conflict with alacrity as he tried as much as he could to bring the feuding parties together.
He said his establishment of an Inter-ethnic Peace Committee to deal with the conflict resulted in the relative peace and stability in the Municipality.
To further enhance the peace process, he expressed hope of working closely with him as Defence Minister to ensure the sustained peace in the area.
Mr Woyongo said without continuous peace, there was no way the region could develop.
He said government is committed to bridge the development gab between the north and the south, citing the resourcing of the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority for investments in the Agricultural sector with the construction of major dams in the northern savannah belt as one such initiative.
The Minister Designate for Defence re-affirmed his renewed commitment in ensuring peace in the Region.