June 20, 2011

Former Minister of Roads and Highways under the erstwhile NPP administration, Dr Richard Anane is urging government to explore the possibility of using internally generated funds to ensure the completion of stalled road construction projects across the country.

According to him, Ghana now as a middle income country should be able to look within its economy to source adequate funds to finish the major road which have not seen a major works in recent times.

Government has given itself up to the end of this year, to complete construction works on four major roads in the country.

Some major artery roads including the Achimota-Ofankor and the Nsawam-Apedwa stretches of the Accra-Kumasi Highway, the Tetteh Quarshie Interchange-Adenta section of the Accra-Aburi road, have had construction works stopped over several months due to the fact that government could not pay contractors.

The nature of the roads have become a major source of worry for many motorists who have complained over the poor nature of the roads which invariably damages their vehicles and have called on government to provide enough funds to complete the projects.

Government has given itself the end of this year to complete construction works on these four major roads. This follows a $400 million loan facility brokered by the Vice President John Mahama with the World Bank to finance the projects.

However speaking to Citi FM, Dr Richard Anane who is also the Member of Parliament for Nhyiaeso calls on the NDC government to prioritize the completion of such major roads as stalled projects incur a great cost for the country.

“ If these roads were a priority for government, it would have found the necessary means to secure funds to complete these projects, we were able to do it, they can also do same if they are committed’’ he said.

Dr Anane adds that he is at great pains to understand why the government would cause the delay of such major programmes which will immensely bring a lot of benefits to the country.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh