November 11, 2013

New Patriotic Party (NPP) Member of Parliament for Ayawaso West Wuogon, Kwabena Kyeremateng Agyarko has joined calls for investigations into leaked tape of dismissed deputy Communications Minister, Victoria Hammah.

According to him, the leaked tape which has become a subject of public discourse in both local and international media, casts a slur on the presidency.

The secret recording dubbed Vikileaks in which Ms. Hammah is alleged to have revealed sensitive government issues, has generated a lot of controversy in the country.

On the secret recording, the former deputy minister among other things said a minister of state influenced the Supreme Court judges who presided over the landmark presidential election petition which declared John Mahama as a validly elected president.

She is also purported to have said Tony Lithur, the lawyer who represented President Mahama in court during the petition hearing now controls three ministries in government.

Government has dismissed all the allegations made by Victoria Hammah describing it as unfortunate.

But speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Morning Show on Monday, Mr. Kyerematen Agyarko said, government must do more than just sacking her.

He noted that the issues raised by Ms. Hammah especially about the final verdict of the 2012 presidential election petition, cannot be swept under the carpet.

“This is not a matter we can sweep under the carpet; the issues must be thoroughly investigated,” Mr. Agyarko stressed.

Mr Agyarko questioned the motive behind government’s decision to sack Victoria if the allegations she made lacked substance.

“If government believes there is no substance in what she said why sack her? That it gives credence to the things we have been hearing on the streets?” he quizzed.

Mr. Kyerematen Agyarko called on Ghanaians to mount pressure on government to institute an enquiry into the matter.

“The good people of this country must not allow this to be swept under the carpet,” he stated.