July 19, 2019

Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu has said with well resources and able staff, Parliament would be able to do more than it is doing now.

He questioned to what extend had Members of Parliament and their working staffs, made the institution more transparent and accountable to the people.

For a stronger democracy, we need stronger committees and research department as well as a Hansard department, that would provide timely and accurate information of proceedings of Parliament, he said.

“You cannot afford to fail us, one of our weaknesses in Parliament has been when some colleague MPs rise and say I quote, without given reference to the book for person they are quoting from but expect to be featured in by the Hansard department”.

He urged that academic referencing should be respected adequately for the purpose of the hansand department to capture ideas which are not from MPs, “we need to pay royal acknowledgement to people with the original ideas.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu make this remarks at the opening of a week-long celebration of inter departmental research and information group of Parliament.

He further called on Parliament to make the best out of information technology (IT) and added that IT can be a threat if not properly handled, “we should work out for MPs and those who visit Parliament to have access to a free Wi-Fi.

“Especially the young persons who visit the House can acknowledge and say when I visited Parliament, I was able to access free Wi-Fi to work with”, he pointed out.

Again we need to work strongly on our achieves, in other to be able to preserve history since the inception of Ghana’s Parliamentary democracy, the contribution of Members of Parliament, we need to keep those contribution alive, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ ghanamps.com