January 14, 2021

Leader of the Opposition party in the 8th Parliament, Haruna Iddrisu has said his side does not have any difficulty sitting on the left side of the Speaker of the House in a wake of the House having its first meeting on Friday, January 15, 2021.

According to him what happened during the election of the Speaker, all they wanted to put across was that their numerical strengthen is respected in the composition of Committees and the determination of Leadership of the Select Committees.

“We will continue to use legitimate and constitutional means to get our lawful Majority side; media let Ghanaians know that the NDC 137 do not have difficulties sitting on the right hand side of the Speaker”, he stated.

Addressing the media on Thursday, January 14, 2021 he pointed out that his side has commenced work to ensure that two of their seats stolen from them Techiman South and Sefwi-Wiawso are taken back.

In addition, he revealed that the House has no choice but to work with the current Standing Order, as it did not contemplate of having a hanging Parliament where the two dominant political parties would have 137 seats each.

Again, as work on the Standing Orders were started in the Seventh Parliament, the current 8th Parliament would have to review and reform the Standing Orders, “this is the time and fine hour for us to have a New Standing Orders to respond to this unknown challenges the current Parliament is having”.

Mr. Iddrisu further told the media at the press conference that the practice where one side is made to chair all the Select Committees is no longer acceptable under the current dispensation.

“We the Leadership of both sides, we have been discussing with the Speaker, the NPP should chair eight of the Select Committee and the NDC opposition chairs eight”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com