January 8, 2020
As the life span of the fourth Legislature of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), comes to an end on 3rd of February 2020, Leader of the Liberian delegation to the Community Parliament, Edwin Melvin Snowe is calling for more debate in the next legislature.

According to Edwin Snowe, the fourth Legislature had been quite exciting with a number of good and bad sides, but noted there are a lot that will have to be improved.

“I would say it is a glass half full empty, with the passage of the supplementary Act which enhances our power there is a lot of responsibility on the Parliament, as we move into the fifth legislature it is expected that we build on what we have, the positives to make the fifth legislature better”.

In an interview with journalists in Abuja Nigeria Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior further advocated for a more robust  fifth legislature that will see lawmakers debate and not just one person just talking, (Speaker).

“We want to put issues on the floor and be more proactive, if there are issues in our region like an upcoming six elections in the West African sub-region we should have engagement and have MPs going to different countries collaborating with their colleagues to ensure there is peace and security in the sub-region”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Abuja