May 31, 2018

Leader of Government Business and Majority leader has reiterated the importance to have significant Members of Parliament in the chamber to transact business on the floor of the House.

He backed calls made by MP for Lambussie that members attach seriousness to business of the House and endeavor to be punctual.

Mr. Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu’s call comes in the wake of the Lambussie legislator expressing worry over the chamber being almost empty and gave indications that the Minority would start, demanding quorum to start business on the floor of the House.

He further expressed appreciation that on Wednesday the Lambussie lawmaker was drawing the Speakers attention to members not showing up in the chamber and not calling for proceedings to come to a halt because MPs do not form quorum.

And was of the opinion that Tuesday’s votes and proceedings of the House indicate that 207 members came to the chamber, with time MPs would troop in but was not happy that out of the 275 members only twenty were on the floor to transact business of the House

He however pointed out that some Ministers who are MPs had come to the House to do business but because proceedings had not started they stepped out and would return to the House to do business.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/