The Employment Ministry says it will intervene in the plight of workers of the Tema-based Western Steel Company who fear they may be denied their salaries because of a forced closure of the firm.
The Minister ordered the closure over recent safety violations which have been blamed for one death and several injuries.
The company has up to the end of the month to upgrade its working conditions to an acceptable standard, and the workers’ union has expressed fear their salaries which are already in arrears may not come through at all because of the shutdown.
But Employment Minister E. T. Mensah told Joy News the workers’ union should first verify the claim and not simply rely on hearsay.
He said if it turns out that the company is determined to deny the workers their salaries, the ministry will make an intervention to ensure the workers are not denied their due.
According to him, the closure of the factory was not the making of the workers but lapses on the part of management. Workers therefore cannot bear the brunt of the closure.