
October 11, 2017
Even before the Zongo Development Fund Bill 2017 comes before the floor of the House for second reading, Member of Parliament for Yilo Krobo, Magnus Kofi Amoatey has indicated that he expects a heated debate on the floor of the House.
The Bill is expected to be introduced on the floor of the House for second reading, as the Northern Development Authority Bill 2017 has gone through second reading, same apply to the Middle Belt Authority Bill 2017.
Early interview with chairman of the Local Government Committee working on the Zongo Development Fund Bill 2017, Kennedy OseiNyarko revealed that the Bill will be withdrawn same day and re-laid.
Another Bill to generate heated debate on the floor of the House and controversies is the Office of Special Prosecutors Bill,2017 which will be introduce in the House this week.
By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/