There are sixty-nine (69) Bills expected to be presented as the House starts its second meeting of the second session of the eight (8) Parliament of the fourth Republic. Among the Bills to be presented are Affirmative Action Bill, 2022, Intestate Succession Bill, 2022, Aged Person Bill, 2022 and Rent Bill, 2022.
There are a total of ten (10) Bills at the Committee level which include Ghana Hydrological Authority Bill 2021 with the Committee on Works and Housing, Ghana Standards Authority Bill, 2021 with Trade, Industry and Tourism Committee, Exemptions Bill, 202 at the Finance Committee, National Pensions (Amendment) Bill, 2021 with Committee on Employment, Social Welfare and State Enterprises, as well as Criminal Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2021 with Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee.
The House is also expected to host the President of Mozambique H. E. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi and Rt. Hon Ms Nelly Mutti, the Zambian Speaker.