Chairman of the Privileges Committee, Joseph Osei-Owusu has directed that embattled Member of parliament for Dome/Kwabenya Sarah Adowa Safo be summoned before the Committee on July 6, 2022 at midday at the New Administration Block, Committee Room 1 and 2 after attempts to reach her failed. Pursuant to Article 103 clause (6) of the 1992 Constitution and Order 205 of the Standing Orders of the House the summons be published in all relevant media.
The summons form part of the Committee’s work, referred to it by the Speaker, Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin. “Article 97 clause (1) ( c ) and order 15 and 16 clause (1) of the standing orders of Parliament, for consideration and report to the House, on the absence of the Member of Parliament for more than fifteen sittings, without permission in writing of the Speaker, during the First Meeting of the Second session of the Eight Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana”.
In a statement issued by the Public Affairs Director, Kate Addo, it noted that the Committee has employed all available means, both official and unofficial to serve the member with an invitation letter, including sending letters to her office and pigeonhole in Parliament. The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, where she superintend as a sector Minister, her official email addresses, known social media handles, and through her personal assistant.
“The Honorable Member may choose to honor the summons via zoom; further information and clarification may be obtained on telephone number, 00233266380643 or email address, kmenkah@parliament.gh for further information”, the statement directed.