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Yapei MP urges Gonja youth to embrace SADA programmes

Alhaji Amadu Seidu, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Yapei-Kusawgu has urged the new executives of the National Gonjaland Youth Association (GLYA) to embrace the programmes of Savannah Accelerated Development Authority that are geared towards eradicating poverty in Gonjaland and Northern Ghana.

He made the remark at the Association’s handing over ceremony at the weekend. The MP said the Association must partner with government to achieve its goals.

The MP encouraged the new executives to work towards sustaining the principles governing the Gonja chieftaincy institution. He also entreated them to fight against environmental degradation in Gonjaland.

The Chief of the Gonja community in Kumasi, Alhaji Abdulai Ayaye, in his address urged the new executives to work towards promoting unity, love and development among the people of Gonja and other ethnic groups living in the area.

The new President of the GLYA, Mr Alhassan Dramani, reminded the other executives that leadership is not about individualism but a collective responsibility.

He bemoaned the numerous challenges facing the area and called on the people to tackle them holistically. He therefore urged all Gonjas to stay united and not allow the rank and file to be divided by partisan politics.

According to him the lot has fallen on their generation to carry the Association to the next level.

“Everybody’s idea counts and nobody should feel left out but try to contribute to the progress of the association which has become a developmental catalyst now and for generations yet unborn” he explained.

Mr Alhassan Dramani assured everybody his administration will continue the unfinished projects of the association.

He reminded the youth of Gonja that the hallmark for success is humility, respect, obedience and self-discipline.


“Security systems in kpandai is not solid” – MP

The Member of Parliament for Kpandai constituency in the Northern region, Matthew Nyindam is calling on the Ministry of Interior for assistance to beef up the capacity of the security systems in the whole district.

He averred that the crime level in the area has increased conspicuously because of the small number of policemen available to man operations and also protect the safety of the general public at the district.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, the MP recounted that a total number of 5 policemen were at the moment present in the area which critically unmatched the total population of about 70,000 in the district.

In addition, he said logistics and vehicles to facilitate their operations and assist them embark on essential task like patrols was also a problem.

According to him, this has created significant lapses with the security level of the district, hence called for a concerted effort to give a boost in the capacity of the sector so the safety of the residents could be guaranteed.

He estimated that development cannot thrive in an environment of chaos, disturbances and disorder, hence the need to improve security for the district.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament approves 35 deputy ministers-designate

Parliament has, during an emergency sitting yesterday, approved the nomination of 35 deputy ministers designate to occupy various deputy ministerial positions in government.

The endorsement was made as per recommendations from the Report from the Appointment Committee in Parliament.

They nominees are:

Name Ministry
Dr Dominic Amine – —                               Justice and Attorney-General’s Department
Ms Barbara Sera Asamoah –                     Lands and Natural Resources
Mr. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa – – –        Education
Mr. Felix Kwakye Ofosu —                      Information and Media Relations
Mr. Cassiel Ato Baah Forson —              Finance
Mr. George Kweku Ricketts-Hagan – – – Finance
Mr. Thomas Kwesi Quartey —               Foreign Affairs & Regional Integration,
Mr. Emmanuel Kwadwo Agyekum – – – Local Government & Rural Development
Dr Bernice Adiku Heloo – – –                    Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation
Mrs. Joyce Bawah Mogtari – – –               Transport
Mr. Ebenezer Okletey Terlabi – – –         Defence
Dr Alfred Sugri Tia, Health – – –             Mr. Alex Kyeremeh, Education
Mr. Yaw Effah-Baafi – – –                         Lands and Natural Resources
Mr. James Agalga – – –                             Interior
Mr. Vincent Oppong-Asamoah —        Water Resources, Works & Housing
Mr. Sampson Ahi – – –                              Water Resources, Works and Housing
Mr. Joseph Yammin – – –                       Youth and Sports
Dr Musheibu Mohammed-Alfa – – –   Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation
Mr. John Abdulai Jinapor – – –            Energy and Petroleum
Mr. Benjamin Dagadu – – –                  Energy and Petroleum
Dr Ahmed Yakubu Alhassan – – –       Food and Agriculture
Mr. Murtala Muhammed Ibrahim — Information and Media Relations
Mr. Edwin Nii Lantey Vanderpuye – – – Trade and Industry
Ms Victoria Lakshmi Hamah – – –       Communications
Baba Jamal Mohammed Ahmed – – – Local Government and Rural Development
Mr. John Alexander Ackon – – –          Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs
Mr. Isaac Adjei Mensah – – –                Roads and Highways
Ms Ablah Dzifah Gomashie – – –         Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts,
Mr. Antwi-Bosiako Sekyere – – –         Employment and Labour Relations,
Alhaji Bashir Fuseini Alhassan – – –   Northern Region
Mrs. Benita Sena Okity-Duah – – –     Gender, Children and Social Protection
Dr Hannah Louisa Bisiw – – –              Food and Agriculture
Mr. Aquinas Tawaih Quansah – – –    Fisheries and Aquaculture Development
Ms Rachel Florence Appoh – – –         Gender, Children and Social Protection.

Akim Oda MP to support Nursing school with GHs 18,000

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda Constituency, Hon. Quaittou Agyapong William has promised students of the Akim Oda Community Health Nursing Training College with an amount of 18,000 Ghana Cedis for the procurement of a new power generating plant for the school.

According to the legislator, the actual price of the generator worth GHs 33,000 but noted that about GHs 15,000 representing about 40 percent of the said amount will be provided by the school.

Hon. Agyapong William who disclosed this when speaking in an interview with GhanaMPs.gov.gh expressed grief on how some academic activities are suspended due to frequent power fluctuation in the area and added that the move could go a long way to resolve all such issue confronting the school when duly executed.

The MP insisted he expect the generator to be delivered to the school within the course of week after initial payment has been done.

Meanwhile, the Akim Oda Methodist Training College have also had a fair share of the cake, as the school have taken delivery of about 50 bags of cement to assist the construction of new classroom blocks to boost the schools infrastructure.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

MP bemoans lack of modern facilities at Kpandai hospital

The Kpandai District hospital is virtually losing its relevance in offering reliable healthcare services for residents as a result of some critical challenges the hospital is inundated with in its domain.

Almost all the essential healthcare services, like surgery, X-ray, and ambulance services amongst others are not operational at the facility which to a large extent results in a lot of referral cases from the centre to either Salaga or Bimbilla district hospitals.

The Member of Parliament for Kpandai constituency, Mathhew Nyindam in an interview with Ghanamps.gov.gh noted that the situation is quiet worrying as currently no major treatment goes on at the hospital due to lack of modern facilities to aid the staff handle certain cases.

Mr. Nyindam pointed out that the hospital in the event of emergency situations always rely on Wulensi district to assist in ambulance facilities, recounting that such situations are literally precarious as the arrangement of an ambulance may delay in reaching Kpandai hospital due to the distance involved.

The MP therefore called on the government through the Ministry of Heath (MOH), and other well meaning organizations to attend to the sorry state of the hospital so it could support it beef-up facilities to befit its status as a major health facility at the district.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Ahafo Ano South East MP pledges to support widows

The MP for Ahafo Ano South Constituency, Hon. Francis Manu-Adabor has pledged his possible best to support widows and deprived persons in his constituency to make their lives comfortable.

Hon. Manu-Adabor explained that the gesture would be a way to show his gratitude to residents in his constituency after voting for him during the December 2012 elections.

He believes that widows were very vulnerable in every community and for him to offer them a helping hand was a right thing to do.

Additionally, the MP said he is interacting with a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to help organize a durbar in the town with the aim of bringing the towns folks together to interact and find out problems confronting them and possible solutions.

The MP who made this known in an interaction with Ghanamps.gov.gh said he would also use the opportunity to make his vision known to his constituents.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/Ghanamps.gov.gh

NPP MP applauds Tony Lithur

The New Patriotic Party’s Member of Parliament for Effutu Alex Afenyo-Markin has applauded President John Dramani Mahama’s lawyer Tony Lithur for his style of cross examining Dr. Bawumia over the evidence presented to the Supreme Court.

Mr. Afenyo-Markin said Tony Lithur performed creditably as a lawyer, in his three-day cross examination of the NPP’s key witness, Dr. Mahamudu Bawaumia at the ongoing hearing of the election petition by the Supreme Court.

Speaking on Adom TV’s Badwam Thursday, the MP also commended Dr. Bawumia for the responses he gave to the questions posed to him, adding, he exhibited his in-depth knowledge in politics.

He however said he will be greatly disappointed if the returning officer in the December 2012 presidential elections, Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, the man at the centre of the controversy, does not mount the witness.


Amenfi Central MP solves water problem with 8 mechanized boreholes

In a bid to solve the water problem in his constituency, Member of Parliament for Amenfi Central, George Kofi Arthur has provided eight (8) mechanized boreholes for affected communities.

The beneficiary villages include; Ankasie, Wratrem, Kwakuboa,Agona and Agyakamanso. The rest are Domenase, Bonsie and Nkwanta.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. George Kofi Arthur stated the provision of the boreholes have come as a great relief to the recipient villages, as they have for a long time faced a lot of discomfort due to lack of adequate water supply.

He noted that indiscriminate small scale mining activities were to blame for the worsening water problem as water bodies in the affected areas had all be polluted, denying the people of potable water.

Hon. Kofi Arthur added that he was spurred on to deliver the facility especially as humans could barely exist without the provision of potable water.

He further disclosed that he has managed to stabilize the erratic power supply to certain towns in his area after some engineering works were done on the Asawenso to Bogoso main lines.

Communities like Nuamakrom,Ankasie, Pokukrom, Nkwanta among others have seen improvement in power supply after installations and fittings on the main lines were changed, an exercise that has been warmly welcomed by the inhabitants.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Ayensuano MP calls for protection for Otoase Community

The Member of Parliament for Ayensuano in the Eastern Region, Ayeh-Paye Samuel has expressed worry about a development in the Otoase community which is creating a lot of insecurity in the area.

According to him, some faceless people who claim to have acquired mining concession from government to establish quarry site at Otoase community are trying to pull down houses belonging to residents to make way for the project without offering any alternative housing for those whose houses have been earmarked for demolishing.

He said Mountain Korang which is to be used for the quarry is where River Pra takes it source, and River Pra is the main source of water for the community, adding that any destruction to the mountain will have dire consequences for residents.

The MP indicated that about three months ago, some people including two Chinese and armed military men arrived in the community with bulldozers to commence operation by demolishing some houses. they were however restricted by angry residents who drew the attention of the Nsawam Police who came to arrest the Chinese and seized the bulldozers.

He said on the eve of Easter, a crime investigator from the Nsawam Police Station came to arrest the queen mother and other influential people in the community for their involvement in truncating progress of the project but he intervened and they had to report at a later date.

According to him, their check from the Minerals commission revealed that Mountain Korang had not been given out for quarry, while the Okyehene, the paramount Chief of the Abuakwa State also denied any knowledge of such concession indicating that no individual has the right to offer such concessions to any company or individual.

Mr. Ayeh-Paye is therfore calling on the Minerals Commision and government to come clean on the issue and more importantly calling on the police to ensure regular patrol and protection for residents gainst any intruder.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Kpandai MP calls for attention to fix Salaga-Kpandai stretch

The Salaga-Kpandai stretch in the Northern region might shortly be earmark for reshape this year as the Member of Parliament for Kpandai constituency, Matthew Nyindam is currently directing attention to help improve the status of the road.

In an interview with Ghanamps.gov.gh, the MP expressed worry on the deplorable state of the road which is about 60km and assured to assist push efforts to fix it for commuters by June this year.

The road is a major connection between the two districts, but is currently in a very bad condition, thus requiring urgent intervention to quickly enhance it and boost transportation for travelers.

Mr. Nyindam revealed that he was seeking to combine efforts with the Department of Feeder road and the Ghana Highway Authority in the district to reconstruct the road soon.

He maintained that the project yet to be considered was a capital intensive project and would require heavy funding to power it.

He however called on government to as a matter of urgency support with funding so the project could be carried out to improve the road infrastructure in the district.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh