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“Let us pay attention when travel advisory are put out”-Ablakwa


Ranking member on Foreign Affairs Committee, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has said it is important as a country to pay attention to the travel advisory that the various foreign missions in Ghana are giving about insecurity in the country.

According to the ranking member much is not being done to safeguard the territorial integrity as well as, the boarders “we need to pay attention and compare notes, let us find out what the Americans know”.

He made this remarks in an interview in the wake of the United States of America issuing travel advisory to its citizens in the wake of insecurity situation in the country.

“We need to put the right measure in place to protect our people and not down play this travel advisories”, he lamented.

Again it is within the right of the various missions in Ghana to provide them with travel advisory, and this should serve as a useful guide.

Mr. Okudzeto Ablakwa further noted that premium should be placed on the issue of insecurity more especially considering happenings in Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso where a Canadian was killed.

Again we are seeing a trend that soldiers from Togo entering our territory claiming to be looking for dissidents.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


All set for Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election


Ballot boxes and Electoral offices were set for the Ayawaso West Wuogon by-election as early as 5:30am to 6:30am with most of the polling centers visited at Abelenkpe and Dorwulu polling centers visited by Ghanamp.com on the voting day.

Absent from the poling centers visited were long queues that usually characterize main election during the 2016 Presidential and Parliamentary.

Officials from the Electoral Commission were seen busily putting together electoral registers tables to get ready for the process to start, police immigration and national security were seen around as the set up was going on.

Asphalting of most of the roads could be seen, whiles preparation to asphalt most of the road within this two locations are also taking place.

Police vehicles could be seen around patrolling whiles the posters of Lydia Seyram Alhasan and Dela Kwesi Brempong awash walls and other vantage places.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


We would retain Ayawaso West Wuogon seat—Titus Glover


Deputy Minister of Transport, Titus Glover who is a polling agent in today’s Ayawaso West Wuogon by-elections has said the ruling government would maintain their seat at the end of the polls today.

According to the Tema East lawmaker the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) would retain the seat in the by-election to honour the memories of the late Member of Parliament Kyeremanty Agyarko.

In an interview, he noted that what he is doing as a polling agent for the NPP is a national exercise to help capture the seat back.

He further revealed that former MPs and most of his colleagues are also undertaking similar exercise.

“In terms of being polling agent I have been doing this work since 1992 to 2000 this is a normal thing I do and we are doing this to ensure that we have a quality of service in terms of elections”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


Parliament stops bus services to staff


In what started as a rumor that Parliament would stop carrying its staff members homes with its buses has come to pass.

The bus services provided for staff members had been halted at the beginning of the first meeting of the third session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

In the third meeting of the second session of this Parliament there were indications that the Parliamentary service board would ensure that the bus service is stopped as it is putting a lot of drain on the funds of Parliament.

There were protests from staff that saw the bus services coming back after some national service personnel raised issues concerning it.

Investigation carried out by Ghanamps.com indicates that authorities at Parliament House has provided car loans to most staff members and provided allowance to staff members hence the need to stop the service which is a drain on the institution.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Twenty five instruments expected to be presented to the House

As Parliament resumes today for its first meeting of the third session in its first meeting, twenty five (25) instruments are expected to be presented to be laid before the House with two instruments already at the committee level and forty-one papers to be presented.

Five motions will also be tabled for debate and eighty other referrals at the committee levels.

In the course of the meeting President Nana Akuffo-Addo is expected to present the state of the nation address to the House.

There are two bills before the House at the consideration stage, they are company Bill 2018 and Chartered Institute of Bankers Bill 2018.

At the consideration stage there are Payment System and Service Bill 2018 and Right to Information Bill 2018.

There are nine bills before some selected committees including; Lands Bill 2018, Public Holidays Bill 2018, Library Service Bill 2018, Technical Universities (Amendment) Bill 2017, Ghana Book Development Agency Bill 2018, among others.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Two Ministers to take seven questions this week

Minister for Roads and Highways Kwesi Amoako Atta is expected to take five questions on the floor of the House this week as it starts its first meeting of the third session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

Attorney General and Justice Minister Gloria Akufo would answer two questions in her name.

There would be one urgent question with six oral questions, Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye would permit statement on the floor of the House under order 70(2).

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


RTI receives attention first day of third session of the seventh Parliament

The Right to Information Bill (RTI) that had received media attention for its passage, is item number five on the order paper as Parliament resume for the first meeting of the third session of the seventh Parliament for the fourth Republic, on the 29th of January 2019.

The Bill which is at its consideration stage has thirty-three clauses to be dealt with before it can be passed into law.

Minister of Transport presented eight papers before the House prominent among them were, Nairobi International Convention on the removal of wrecks, 2007 and convention on the international hydrographic organization as amended by the protocol of 2005.

Minister of Finance Ken Ofori Atta would lay two agreements whiles the chairman of the Finance committee would lay a report on the annual report of the Public Interest and Accountability Revenues for the year 2017.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


“I would be disappointed if future NDC engage 110 staff”-Okudzeto

Former Deputy Minister of Education in charge of tertiary, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has said he would be disappointed when in future the National Democratic Congress (NDC) government engages hundred and ten Ministers and their Deputies and thousand Presidential staffers.

According to the former Deputy Minister, the issue should not be partisan but rather as a country we should be looking at the national interest first and moving this nation forward.

“I do hope we would depart from that and get to a dispensation that we would put the national interest above the partisan consideration, and jobs for the boys”.

He further pointed out, in an interview that some of the staffers spend the whole day on social media, and question if one is surprised when there are so many staffers but there is nothing to be done.

Again civil society complain that a lot of the staffers are constantly attacking them, on social media and take on people who do not agree with policies of the government of the day.

“Elsewhere, if you hear of White House or Number Ten (10) Downing Street staffers, they do serious work such that they do not have time to go on social media”, he lamented.

The President, per the Presidential Act has up to the end of March this year to present a report to Parliament of 2018, with the huge numbers everybody believes somebody would do it and nobody does it.

“Look at what is happening in the national security space, you have had the biggest set up and yet see the result, you have a national security Minister and a Minister of state there, Interior and Defense their Deputies, national security coordinator and all of that but there is confusion and no clear structure”.

The North Tongu lawmaker further revealed that he hopes the President would listen and office of the government machinery would be slashed.

But he was quick to point out that, looking at the budgetary allocation there is possibility of staffers increasing in 2018, despite the 2017 figure of nine hundred and ninety-eight (998) the public outcry that broke the heart of many Ghanaians.

Also the Minority would continue to raise concerns, “if you can achieve result with few ten people why use fifty people to achieve same result?”

“All at the expense of the tax payer, is that a good use of money in a poor country, where these resources can go into providing, shelter, water and electricity”

And gave an example of b the Hungarian ambassador, who tells him they have only eleven (11) Ministers and Deputies, when they hear some of our debate and the justification we give for the numbers and the reasons, they give, they find it interesting.

“Look at their advancement, I have not heard they are not progressing not being able to provide health education, we have hundred and more and yet we go and berg them for assistance. I wonder how they see us, we who do have to approach them always cup in hand for assistant; put yourself in their shoes, how would you feel?”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We are making mockery of Presidential oath taking—NPP MP

The Vice Chairman of the Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, Alexander Kodwo Kom Abban has said multiple taking of oath of the President by the Speaker Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye is making mockery of the whole process.

He said this in an interview after the swearing in of the Speaker on Saturday as the acting President in the absence of the Vice President who is in the United Kingdom receiving medical attention.

According to Mr. Kodwo Kom Abban the constitutional review committee has done a lot of work, but the current development of either the Speaker or the Chief Justice taking the Presidential oath more than once should be looked at.

The President himself took the Presidential oath only once, the whole process of the Speaker taking the oath more than once is becoming “boring” and that is the chorus around and I agree with it, he said.
Rule of law does not mean rule by law, but if what we do is acceptable with the generality of the people then it is part of the rule of law.

In addition we are stack to this whole process because of the interpretation given by the Supreme Court, in the Atta Mensah case that went before the Supreme Court so we would have to keep with it, he lamented.

He however disagreed with the argument made by the South Dayi legislator that the President could have delegated high government officials to attend Masekela’s funeral and the Foreign Minister for the AU summit.

Again the respect given to Presidents would not be accorded Ghana if we sent a delegation, at the same time among his colleagues heads of states we might not know if he is needed personally to give a speech and further there is the need for a discussion to go on.

He said the focus should not the absence of the Vice President, but rather in case we have such a situation of absence of the two gentlemen how do we deal with it.

We should interpret law purposely, because this is leading to wastage in time and resources. I am sure MPs would start agitating if they called us on a Saturday to work “do you have some allowances for us”?.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Let us make everyday sanitation day—Cecilia Abena Daapah


Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena Daapah has said everyday should be seen as a sanitation day instead of monthly clean up.

According to the sector Minister the monthly exercise has not been stopped but rather being re-branded making sanitation everyday affair.

“The President’s dream of making Accra the cleanest city in Africa is a collective responsibility and each and everyone has a role to play. Government would play its part, but the media should be at the front runner in this campaign”.

She urged the media to find space to educate Ghanaians about their responsibilities and soon the Ministry will engage in active media campaign.

And further commended the media in an interview for bringing issues of sanitation to the fore and to enrich national discussion on the matter, as President Nana Akufo-Addo has said he wants to make Accra the cleanest city in Africa.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com