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Sombo youth eulogizes Nadowli/Kaleo Member of Parliament

The Youth of Sombo in the Nadowli/Kaleo District has hailed Mr. Alban S.K. Bagbin, Member of Parliament for Nadowli/Kaleo Constituency for providing dedicated services to his constituents as a member of parliament.

They said Mr. Bagbin’s stewardship as a Member of Parliament for the then Nadowli North, later Nadowli West and now Nadowli/Kaleo Constituency has brought immeasurable benefits, both physical and human to the people.

In a statement issued in Wa and signed by Mr. Thomas Ngminbahaara, Chairman of the Sombo Youth, the youth congratulated Mr. Bagbin on the occasion of his 60th Birthday Anniversary and his unbroken 25 years as a Member of Parliament for the constituency.

The youth said with the 25 unbroken years of dedicated and incomparable services rendered to the constituents, mother Ghana and humanity at large, they wished him well and so much more to achieve in the years ahead of him.

“Your uncompromising dedication to the people you represent, coupled with your compassion for the vulnerable and love of nation, have all won you the admiration and confidence of many at home and abroad.

“It is for this reason that your constituents found no compelling reason to replace you, but have persistently voted unfailingly for you seven consecutive times to represent them in Parliament in the Fourth Republican dispensation of our nation”, the statement read.

The youth said they have always watched Mr. Bagbin in Parliament with pride and honour as he went about his work, radiating a superior understanding of Ghana’s governance and legislative processes.

“Your unblemished commitment and diligence in discharging your responsibilities has perpetually kept you in the leadership of the legislative assembly as you currently occupy the “big seat” of the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament”, the youth said.

The youth of Sombo as well as the youth of the entire Nadowli/Kaleo Constituency reassured Mr. Bagbin of their unflinching support in the collective struggle to liberate the people from the shackles of poverty and social exclusion.

“We are inspired and much encouraged by your long years of sterling leadership, your front liner role as an active agent for development in our constituency, and as a long serving politician, who brings honour and dignity to our people”, the statement read.

The statement wished Mr. Bagbin brighter times ahead, praying to God to give him strength when he felt weak, provide encouragement when he felt down-spirited, give him wisdom when challenged, support him when reviled, offer him divine protection, sound health and above all, a loving and supportive family, loyal comrades, appreciative citizens and the “Solomonic wisdom” to chalk greater achievements.

The Nadowli/Kaleo Law Maker went to Parliament in 1993, headed several important committees, rose through the ranks in Parliament, became Minority Leader for eight consecutive years and Majority Leader in charge of government business, appointed as a Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing and Minister of Health and excelled in the all positions.

Agona East MP donates to save life


The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Agona East Constituency, Madam Queenstar Maame Pokuah Sawyerr, has extended a hand of support to an amputee to help save her life.

The 15 year-old amputee, Benedicta, from the Volta Region, had her right leg amputated last Monday because it was getting rotten. She suffered from a minor injury in 2015.

Madam Sawyerr, aka Nhyiraba Obaatanpa, went to her aid at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital last Tuesday and made a cash donation of GHc 2,000 towards her upkeep. She also gave her some provisions.

She further donated an undisclosed amount for some medical needs as Benedicta was found to be anaemic.

Dr. Zanetor teams with Kawasho JFE and Forewin to support education

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Klottey Korle Constituency in the Greater Accra Region, Dr Zanetor Agyeman Rawlings has joined Kawasho JFE and Forewin Ghana Limited to donate educational items to some schools in her constituency.

Three thousand (3000) exercise books, one hundred and fifty (150) desks and forty five (45) cartons of Geisha mackerel were donated to three schools including Teacher Mota Basic School, Nii Amugu Basic School and Khiriyatul
Islamic Primary all in the Klottey Korle constituency.

Speaking at the ceremony, the MP, Dr Agyeman Rawlings thanked the donors for their benevolence and advised the schools to make good use of the opportunity given to them.

Dr Agyeman Rawlings also used the opportunity to tour some schools other schools in the constituency to assess their levels of needs for further assistance.

Alice Abubakari/Ghanamps.com

We never reneged on flying Black Stars back- Sports Minister


Minister of youth and sports and Member of Parliament (MP) for Atwima Mponua, Isaac Kwame Asiamah on Tuesday revealed to the Public Account Committee (PAC) of Parliament that, his Ministry never reneged on its duty to fly players of the senior National team back to Ghana after their world cup qualifies match in Congo.

He noted that all arrangements to fly them back to Ghana a day after their match was intact, because they hold them in “high esteem and fly them in business class”, he said.

“We had a very good arrangement to fly the Black Starts players back to Accra the following day after their match, over the years the Ministry has had arrangement with travel agencies”.

“We will not complain as a Ministry, if the captain of the senior team Asamoah Gyan decided to fly them down to Ghana same day because they had something to do in Accra” he told the Committee. Mr. Isaac Asiamah who had been a member of the PAC for 8 years told the committee it is not new to have a player fly his colleagues. “It is not new over the years some players have their own jets they fly friends to tournaments left right”.

According to him, as a Ministry they did not have a problem, adding the airlines had no problem flying them in any way.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso /ghanamps.com

MP awards scholarships to 200 students

The Member of Parliament for Ofoase-Ayirebi, Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah, has awarded scholarships to 200 students in his constituency.

The scholarship will supplement government’s newly launched Free Senior High School (SHS) programme being enjoyed by the current first-year students in public second cycle institutions.

The Education and Skills Development Programme committee in the constituency received over 1000 applications, but 200 students from SHS Forms 2 and 3, Teacher and Nursing Training Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities sailed through the process to benefit from the scheme.

Speaking to Ghanamps.com, Mr. Oppong-Nkrumah advised the beneficiaries to live above reproach and stay focused to justify why they merited the scholarship.

“Through this initiative, we hope to keep about 200 students every year in school starting from this year. To the beneficiaries don’t let me down, don’t let your parents down and don’t let the people of Ofoase-Ayirebi down,” Mr. Oppong-Nkrumah, who is also the Deputy Minister of Information, emphasized.

“You need to be on top of your game. Remember this is a scholarship and it’s renewable annually based on your performance and good behaviour.

“Take your studies seriously because it is the key to your future. I believe through education we can change the narrative and turn around our destinies and improve the conditions of our lives for better,” he said.

Mr. Oppong-Nkrumah expressed his gratitude to the District Assembly for its support in developing the constituency.

He lauded the effective collaboration between the local assembly and his office which has culminated in the provision of a mechanized borehole system with four tanks and a solar panel to operate for residents of Akyem Akokoaso in the Ofoase-Ayirebi constituency.

“We are also in the process of facilitating the provision of over 3,000 electricity meters for many residents who were not captured in the first phase. Twenty-seven other communities will also receive electricity in the Electricity Extension Programme that will soon commence in the district,”the MP promised.

By:Rosemary Obeng Yeboah/ghanamps.com

Insulate the President from unnecessary controversy-Nii Lante

Advisors of President Nana Akufo-Addo should have insulated him from the unnecessary controversy of changing Founder’s Day from September 21st to August 4 as Founders’ Day, Member of Parliament for Odododiodoo Nii Lante said in an interview.

He indicated that the Minority will take the Speaker Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye on for wanting to distort the history of Ghana with his lectures he delivered touching on Founder’s Day that generated controversy.

“We have too many holidays as a country, we have 10 holidays already, are we going to have one holiday a month, even the United States and the United Kingdom how many holidays do they have, when we are talking about productivity?”. And further added that we do not need holidays to celebrate people, “we already have monument celebrating most of our leaders.

The Odododiodoo legislator noted that the September 21st is symbolic date, which captures all the people who contributed towards the independent struggle of Ghana. You have one person Dr. Kwame Nkrumah who represents all the others “we are not only celebrating Nkrumah”.

“If we are not careful prominence will be given to August 4th which will over shadow the symbolic September 21st”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We will develop regional airports to boost tourism-Cecilia Dapaah

Minister of Aviation and former Member of Parliament (MP) for Bantama, Cecilia Dapaah has given assurance that all will be done to improve airports in the various regions to boost tourism in the country.

“It is the vision of government to open up the country in terms of aviation, first to Ghanaians we are looking at investors and third to tourist who visit our country”.

When visitors travel all for six hours to Ghana for tourism, we do not want them to travel for long hours by road, but should rather go by air, adding that the Ministry want to move the aviation transport in Ghana to the next level.

The Minister made this known when members of the Public Account Committee (PAC) inquire on current state of the aviation industry.

She revealed to the Committee she has undertaken a working tour of the country and visited all the Regional airports.

“Currently we have 37 airlines out of that we have 2 cargo airlines and two domestic airlines in the country; some work has to be done on Paga airstrip and given land at Yendi and Kumasi to develop our air transport”, she said.

She stated that tender will be opened for the rehabilitation of the Tamale airport, stating that everything has been completed and funding is being sort for the new terminal to start.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP observes school feeding programme


The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Weija – Gbawe Constituency and a Deputy Minister for health, Tina Gifty Naa Ayeley Mensah has toured some schools in her constituency to monitor and assess how Primary Pupils are fed under the school feeding programme.

Speaking in an interview during a stopover at Oblogo M/A 2& 3 Basic schools whiles the pupils are fed, the MP stated categorically that as a Deputy Minister of Health, she is particular about the kind of food served to the innocent pupils in schools across the country, when asked about her motivation to tour the school to observe and assess the school feeding programme in her constituency.

“I am very much aware that pupils develop sound mind to learn when they are fed well; therefore it is necessary for me to have firsthand information on the school feeding programmein my constituency”, adding that the school feeding taken up by Government will take some financial burdens from parents.

“The food served to the pupils at the beginning of this academic year is best so far under the watch of H.E Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana”. She added that the President is committed to ensuring that pupils in all primary schools across the country are fed well so as to make them have a sound mind to learn.

The MP emphasized on the fact that she will visit the schools periodically to assess the kind of food served to the pupils.

She was swift to add that the country should have value for the fund channeled towards the school feeding programme, and encouraged them to manage the amount paid to feed the pupils as government advances plans to increase the amount paid for each pupils.

She applauded the caterers who were short listed in her constituency of the good task they’ve taken and urged them to be constant in cooking nutritious food.

Alice Abubakari/Ghanamps.com

Assin South MP chastises NDC over Free SHS

The NPP Member of Parliament (MP) for Assin South Constituency, Mr John Ntim Fordjour has chastised the NDC, saying that the Mahama-led administration, failed to properly implement its progressively Free SHS promise that it made to Ghanaians in the round up to the 2012 general elections.

The MP however applauded President Akuffo Addo for initiating his long-term dream of making Senior High school education free for all Ghanaian children, just eight months after wrestling power from the NDC.

Government in September this year rolled out its flagship “free SHS” programme for all 2017 senior high school entrants.

The new policy indicates that, the new entrants will no longer have to pay for admission and tuition fees, SRC dues, Library fees, examination fees, uniform, text books and above all both boarding and day students will be fed daily under the initiative.

Speaking on Joy News “Hard Truth” programme, Mr Fordjour said, although government did not expand the programme to include SHS 2 and 3 continuing students, he insisted that the policy is still laudable since it will help reduce the heavy financial burden on parents.

According to him, the NPP’s free SHS policy is expected to create equal opportunities for all candidates who pass their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) and gain posting to under the computerized school selection & placement system (CSSPS) into any public senior high school.

He congratulated the President, H.E. Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo and the Education ministry for working assiduously to ensure that the policy is fully realized.

He urged Ghanaians to rally behind the government since it was bent on delivering on its numerous promises.

By: Susana Danso Obenewaa

Employ technology in fire prevention- Henry Quartey

The honorable Member of Parliament for the Ayawaso Central in the Greater Accra region and Deputy Minister for the Interior, Henry Quartey has stimulated charged the management of the Ghana National Fire Service to as a matter of urgency inculcate the use of technology techniques in fire prevention and fighting.

He also called for regular in-service training to equip Officers with current trends of preventing and managing fire disasters emphasizing the need for regular research and refresher courses which are key to the transformation of every institution especially in the area off technological skills.

“Technology drives the world we live in now and Ghana National Fire Service must take full advantage of this advancement”, and added “I would entreat the command to encourage and promote regular in-service courses to boost the capacities of both serving officers and men’’ he stated.

The Ayawaso Central lawmaker made the call during the graduation ceremony of Cadet Intake XIV of the Ghana National Fire Service, at the Fire Academy and Training School in Accra where he served as the review officer.

He assured of Government’s commitment to the transformation of the Service whiles pledging its continues support to the Service to become elite in fire management in Africa and the world at large.
He commended the officers for the intensification of public fire safety education leading to a reduction in market fires in the country.

The Cadet intake XIV was made up of 78 trainees; 56 males and 22 females. The trainees were taken through, Fire Science, Fire Safety, Fire Service Management, Fire Service Operations and Fire Drills among others.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com