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NPP primaries must be peaceful – Adu Asare

The Member of Parliament for Adentan Kojo Adu Asare, has added his voice to the “chorus of admonishings” by well wishers for the New Patriotic Party’s primaries to be conducted in a peaceful atmosphere.

He noted that it is important the NPP conducted the elections in a free and transparent manner to avoid any dispute that may result in electoral violence.

Several statesmen including the NPP Presidential candidate Nana Akufo Addo and NPP Chairman Jake Obetsebi Lamptey have called for healthy primaries across the country to show to the country that the NPP is a united force, deserving of their mandate.

The NPP goes to parliamentary primaries on Saturday 30th April 2011, to elect its parliamentary candidates for the 2012 general elections which promises to be keenly contested.

Speaking on Adom FM’s “Dwaso Nsem” show, the Member of Parliament for Adentan, Kojo Adu Asare, reminded his colleagues MPs and other new aspirants to brace themselves for the worst results, as politics is full of surprises.

“In political context or competitions there is nothing like draw unlike football, you either win or lose and it is important that my colleagues are guided by this basic fact” he said.

Hon. Adu Asare added that the exercise of electing persons to parliament must be seen as a democratic exercise and not a “do or die” affair and must be conducted in a peaceful manner.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

ICT holds key national development- Mike Oquaye

Professor Mike Oquaye, Member of Parliament (MP) for Dome-Kwabenya on Thursday noted that Information, Communication and Technology hold the future of Ghana.

He therefore promised to make Dome-Kwabenya ICT Centre and Library under construction a centre of excellence in Accra. Prof Oquaye was speaking during an inspection tour of the GH¢100,000 project.

He said an additional GH¢100,000 was needed to complete the project. Prof Oquaye said through ICT India was earning more foreign exchange. The project, which started in 2009, would comprise an Internet cafe, computer laboratory, children and adult libraries. Prof Oquaye unveiled plans for a three-classroom block for a proposed senior high technical school to be attached to the library complex.

The MP led journalists to inspect Taifa Police Station project which has so far attracted GH¢250,000. The station would have male and female cells with toilet facilities, a charge-office, Criminal Investigations Department and Motor, Transport and Traffic Unit and an armoury.

Source: GNA

Builsa North begins NPP parliamentary primaries today

The Builsa North Constituency of the New Patriotic Party will hold its parliamentary primaries today Friday April 29, ahead of the April 30 schedule for the nationwide exercise.

This is to allow for the final funeral rites of the Late Paramount Chief of the Builsa Traditional Area, Naa Ayietta Azantilow, scheduled for Saturday April 30.

In all, three persons will be vying for the seat which was occupied in 2008 by the ruling NDC’s Timothy Awotiirim Ataboadey.

They are the Upper East Regional Chairman of the party and Former Member of Parliament for the area, Agnes Chigabatia, Former District Chief Executive for Builsa North, Thomas Alonsi and a Former Manager of the Builsa District Mutual Health Insurance Scheme, James Abakisi.

In 2008, Agnes Asangalisa Chigabatia failed to retain the seat for the NPP and lost by over 1,200 votes to the NDC’s Timothy Awotiirim Ataboadey.

The seat was occupied by the NDC in 1992, 1996 and 2008.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gh

NPP expresses best wishes to all candidates and delegates

On behalf of the entire membership of the New Patriotic Party, the Flagbearer and the National Chairman wish to extend their best wishes to all the parliamentary candidates and delegates who will take part in Saturday’s parliamentary primaries in constituencies across the country.

We have had a very successful period of rebuilding after the 2008 general elections. The party’s constitutional amendments of 2009 led to significant expansion of our electoral colleges for the election of party officers, parliamentary candidates and presidential candidate.

Since then, we set out on a series of elections of party officers, from polling station executives, electoral area coordinators, constituency executives, regional executives to national executives. The entire nation bears testimony to the efficient, peaceful and successful manner in which the party and its membership conducted themselves during all these elections.

Last August, over 107,000 delegates cast their votes in the national congress to elect the 2012 presidential candidate, a massive jump from about 2,300 delegates, previously. That impressive contest, the first of its kind anywhere in Africa, took place simultaneously in all constituencies nationwide and without any negative incident. The nearly 80 percent endorsement for the 2012 Presidential Candidate was a strong message about a national party united behind its leadership.

These parliamentary primaries are the last of the necessary internal party contests in our preparations towards 2012. All the successes and improvements we have made so far as a party since 2008 may come to nothing if we do not conduct these upcoming parliamentary primaries with the same kind of competence, maturity, spirit de corps and unity of purpose.

The ultimate objective is winning power in 2012 to deliver for the Ghanaian people a brighter future and enhanced governance. We should all be guided by this.

Let us have healthy primaries and continue to show to the country that we are a united force, deserving of their mandate.

We wish you all God’s blessings.

God bless the NPP.

God bless Ghana.
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
2012 Presidential Candidate

Jake Otanka Obetsebi-Lamptey
National Chairman

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Asawase MP roars again…Kwaku Kwarteng is a shameful politician

The former Minister for Youth and Sports , Alhaji Mohammed Munataka has challenged the Communications Director of the opposition New Patriotic Party, Kwaku Kwarteng to produce evidence to buttress his claim that he (Muntaka) misappropriated state funds during his tenure of office.

The Asawase MP resigned from office last year following allegations of abuse of office and conflict of interest levelled against him while he served as the substantive Sports Minister.

The issue also saw the interdiction of the then Principal state Accountant of the Ministry, Mr. Adim Odoom and the Chief Director, Albert Ampong on the grounds that they failed to ensure that the laid down procedures were followed to guide the former Minister’s expenditure.

On Monday, November 23 2009, an Accra Fast Track High Court however ruled that that President John Mills’ directive that the two be interdicted had no legal basis.

The contention at the time was that the President did not have the legal right to take the action which was a preserve of the Civil Service Council.

The Civil Service Council then set up investigations into the matter based on which the two public servants have been interdicted again.

In a Press Statement signed by its Communications Director, Kwaku Kwarteng, the NPP called for the immediate reinstatement of Mr. Adim Odoom and Albert Ampong saying “the rulings were a loud statement of NDC government’s penchant for acting unlawfully and recklessly.”

According to the country’s largest opposition party, the latest development amounted to “a wicked and embarrassing display of selective justice.”

“The Minister who was responsible for the wrongs has only been asked to go and sin no more. The two civil servants who dared to draw the attention to the looting of the tax payer’s money have been interdicted. What kind of ‘father-for-all’ is President Mills?” He said.

The party contended that, with these developments, public servants would be unwilling to volunteer information towards the fight against corruption.

However in a sharp rebuttal, Hon. Muntaka took a swipe at the NPP’s Communications Director describing him as a shameful politician.

“I am ashamed and disappointed in Kwaku Kwarteng because he is talking out of ignorance. If he thinks he has any evidence, he should proceed to court. I know I am not guilty, I have not taken even one pesewa worth of meat.” He said.

He reiterated his innocence in the much publicised case and dared Kwaku Kwarteng to produce evidence to buttress his claim that he (Muntaka) used state
funds to buy meat or other personal belongings.”

An obviously infuriated Muntaka chanted “If he wants to insult, I can also insult.” “We must stop the dirty politics, it destroys the country.” He added.

Officials in charge of lighting streets must be charged – Dan Botwe

The Member of Parliament for Okere Dan Kweku Botwe, says Agencies and persons in- charge of ensuring that street lights across the country and especially those along the major streets in the capital function, must be held accountable for dereliction of duty.

According to the MP, officials charged with the responsibility of providing functional streetlights cannot continue to be paid with the tax payers’ hard earned money while they fail to discharge their responsibilities.

The MP expressed these sentiments following reports that some major roads in the country including the Peduase Lodge road and Liberation road remain dark at night even though President John Evans Attah Mills had earlier directed that dysfunctional street lights be rectified.

Prior to the 2010 Christmas festivities President Mills directed all agencies concerned with the management of street lights in the country, to ensure that all streetlights are functional before Christmas.

The directive came after an audit of 60 roads in the capital revealed that the streetlights are not functioning as expected, with some out of order for months.

Contributing to a discussion on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show, the Member of Parliament for Okere Dan Botwe, bemoaned the flagrant violation of the President’s directive.

He questioned why Ghanaians should continue to pay for the services of street lights while the Electricity Company of Ghana continually fails to deliver.

“Someone will have to be held accountable, this should not even get to the Minister of Energy, the immediate person charged with this responsibility must be made to provide answers for the malfunctioning street lights’’ he said.

Hon. Dan Botwe noted that the absence of street lights makes most roads unsafe as armed robbers take advantage of the gloomy nature of the roads to rob unsuspecting people in some cases killing them in the process.

Story by :Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Dome/Kwabenaya seat to be keenly contested

One Hundred and Fifty Four (154) constituencies across the country will be a beehive of activities as the New Patriotic Party’s go for its National Delegates Conference to elect its crop of parliamentary candidates for the 2012 elections in barely 48 hours.

Attention of political analysts has been drawn to some constituencies which promise to hold keenly contested elections come Saturday 30th April 2011.

One of such constituencies is the Dome/Kwabenya in the Greater Accra where some political observers reckon will be a straight contest between the son of the outgoing MP for the area, Mike Ocquaye Jnr and another prominent lady Adwoa Safo even though there is another contestant Mr Osei- Bonsu.

Lawyer Mike Ocquaye Jnr , prior to the declaration of his intent to contest for the seat, was the Communication Director of the NPP in the Greater Accra Region, who actively espoused the policies of the NPP and argued for the party on several radio discussions.

He has among other things promised to create jobs for the youth via vocational training and would enroll interested people for the Oil and Gas Training within his constituency when he wins the seat.

Lawyer Mike Oquaye indicated that he will establish small businesses/micro finance, revive the Dome-Kwabenya women’s Co-operative and would divide the constituency into four zones for small loans assistance.

His competitor Lawyer Adwoa Safo daughter of prominent Ghanaian inventor is a formidable politician in the Dome/Kwabenya constituency with a large following, who contested the outgoing MP professor Mike Ocquaye during the 2008 primaries.

As a fairly young woman, she believes now is the opportune time for her to serve the constituency that she has supported in diverse ways including financially contributions.

Lawyer Adwoa Safo among other things has vowed to provide water by extracting boreholes wherever necessary within the constituency and further lobby for the continuation and completion of the Dome-Kwabenya water project.

Build modern public places of convenience wherever necessary and in all market places in the constituency (Taifa, Dome and Haatso Yam Markets) and also establish an FM Station in the constituency to educate the constituents on health, social and other issues of importance.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

NPP cancels delegates’ conference

The New Patriotic Party says it has canceled the annual delegates’ conference earlier scheduled to precede voting at its parliamentary primaries on April 30. Voting however will go on as planned, starting at 9:00am and closing at 2:00pm.

Counting of ballots follows immediately after voting.

A statement issued by the party Wednesday afternoon which announced procedures for voting, also identified persons qualified to vote in the primaries.

The party said a constituency delegates register which tells who qualifies to vote shall consist of:

* Constituency Executive Committee (16)

* Polling Station Executives

* Electoral Area Coordinators

* Sitting Member of Parliament

* 5 elected members from the Council of elders

* 5 elected members from the council of patrons

* Any Founding Member from the Constituency who is a signatory to the registration documents of the Party at the Electoral Commission.

Rules and Regulations:

1. The Parliamentary Election Committee is to submit names of 5 elected members of councils of Elders/Patrons to the EC.

2. All officers of the party must take note that the conduct of elections at the Constituency is the responsibility of the Constituency Parliamentary Election Committee (CEC) and the Electoral Commission. All serving officers as much as possible must therefore desist from interfering with the process.

3. All Constituency Executives must ensure strict compliance with the electoral rules.

4. Every aspirant is entitled to a polling agent during the period of voting and counting of the ballots.

5. Camping of delegates is strictly NOT allowed and any aspirant found to engage in this practice could be disqualified.

6. All delegates whose names appear on the register must be allowed to vote without any hindrance. Non payment of dues is NOT grounds for disenfranchising a delegate.

7. Party membership cards are however also NOT required of any delegate to vote or gain access to the venue of the election. Every delegate has automatic access to the election venue.

Meanwhile the party says it has postponed parliamentary primaries in 10 constituencies. The affected constituencies are Zebila, Talensi, Abuakwa North, Sisala East, Sisala West, Sege, Nkawkaw, Bosome Freho, Obom-Domeabra and Bekwai.

The decision, according to officials, will inure to the benefit of the party.

Asaga accused of meddling in chieftaincy matters

The Azure Royal Family at Nangodi in the Upper East Region, has accused Mr Moses Asaga, National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) for the Nabdam Constituency for meddling in chieftaincy issues in the area.

He is accused of lobbying for his younger brother Joe Asaga, who has been enskined by the Nayire, Naa Bohogo, as the chief of Nangodi.

The members of the Royal family, who accused the MP at a press conference held at Nangodi, explained that the Asaga family was not part of the Royal lineage at Nangodi and said never in the history of the traditional area had a member of the Asaga family been enskinned a chief.

Mr Solomon Sampana, who spoke on behalf of the embittered family, accused the Asagas of bribing the Kingmakers of Nayire and alleged that Mr Asaga gave them monies and other gifts to influence them.

”We the Azure family, who formed the majority of the population in Nangodi, will never recognize Mr Joe Asaga as the chief and there would be confusion if nothing is done to reverse the situation”, he warned.

The Azure family further threatened not to vote for the NDC if nothing was done to salvage the situation.

They called on the National House of Chiefs to investigate the matter to establish the truth and also entreated government to as a matter of urgency look into that matter to avert any clashes.

Meanwhile, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr Moses Asaga refuted the allegation and stated that his family belonged to the royal family.

He stated that under normal circumstances he should have been the next person to be enskined as chief of the area but his political position could not permit him and that explained why his younger brother had to contest and won.

He indicated that there were six gates in the Nangodi area, who have all agreed to the newly enskined chief with the exception of the Azure family whom he said had ruled for long in the area and wondered why they did not want change.

Mr Asaga said if they had anything to go by they could challenge the Nayire and not him and that it was not true that he bribed the Nayire.

He further indicated that the Nayire knew who qualified to be the chief.

Source: GNA

Some Journalist are mercenaries – Teye Nyaunu

The NDC Member of Parliament for Lower Manya Krobo, Michael Teye Nyaunu has taken a swipe at a section of the private press describing them as mercenary journalist that is out there to destroy certain public officials.

He alleged that they collect monies from their pay masters to public stories which are not true aimed at destroying the hard earned reputation of their political opponents.

The Enquirer Newspaper edition of Wednesday 27th April reported that the campaign team of the Former First Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings received a cold reception when the team were in the Western Region to campaign for the candidature of the Ex first lady.

The paper claimed the Konadu Campaign team failed woefully in their bid to woo the delegates in the constituencies visited as they refused to honor the invitation of the team to a meeting.

However speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, the Parliament for Lower Manya Krobo, Michael Teye Nyaunu discredited the story publish by the paper as it contained no iota of truth.

He said delegates in constituencies such as Amenfi West, Amenfi East and Bia defied the directive of the regional executives not to give audience to the campaign team and attended the meetings where they were given T-shirts of Nana Konadu with some of them wearing it openly.

“It is unfortunate that President Attah Mills is being fed with the wrong information that he is solidly on the ground when in actual fact he is not, they are rather doing him a great disservice” he said.

Hon. Teye Nyaunu described the Western regional campaign tour as a huge success and predicted that Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings was going to garner 80% of votes from the Western Region during the NDC party congress in July.

Some political commentators believe the MP will have a difficult time retaining his seat come 2012 elections in the event that President Mills wins the Presidential candidate slot, but the vociferous MP said he is aware of the herculean task ahead and has adequately prepared himself.

Story by: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh